Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Friends are very important

We like people, we like to socialize and we like to eat together. We are motivated by the relationships around us. Ozzie and I have a lot of friends. We encourage our children to have a lot of friends. We tell them to be kind to everyone, include others when you play games and make sure you choose friends who do not lie, steal or cheat. Ozzie repeats that last phrase to the girls almost daily. He knows the choices they make in friendships today will develop who they will grow in to tomorrow. Ozzie and I choose to have a lot of friends because we love people. We love the different perspectives we get from our friends in all walks of life. Our friends are a part of our lives and they will keep us accountable over the next six months.
We have a new friend named Kevin. He is a real life personal trainer and he really does know how to whip people into shape. Kevin is helping us do this right and giving us direction and clarity into our random work-outs. With his help the exercise portion of our commitment will be for real. He knows we can do this, at least he keeps telling us we can. I believe him. It’s one thing to write out your intentions, having someone watch you when you said you were going to do something is a different kind of accountability. Kevin is watching. That’s what I will keep telling Ozzie.
Eating has been easy this week. Friends keep bringing us food! Let me share a trick I’ve learned over the years: When you are at a friend’s house and you RAVE about the food they cook for you, they will cook more meals for you. I love dinner delivered at my door for no other reason than I have awesome neighbors and friends who also happen to be fantastic cooks. Pot roast, potatoes, roasted veggies and homemade bread from my friend Michelle was out of this world! Then my neighbor and friend Allison brought over old fashioned chicken and dumplings. YUM. Both these meals were completely homemade. I’m all for real home cooking. And if you rave about my food, I’ll make you more.
Nearly to the end of the first week and we are still fired up and the motivation to work out is still high! Yeah for us! Apparently dated deadlines and public accountability motivate my husband. He is rethinking his participation in this. Not in a bad way, but in a way that he says, “You put this out there for all to see. I better serve up some results.” I’m all for it. Now I just need to convince him that posting before pictures will only benefit him in the long run! Any friends out there have picture of Ozzie I can post? ;)

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